Saturday, February 16, 2013

02/16/2013 - Of Ice and Men

Monday 2/11 Nothing
Tuesday 2/12 0.08 miles 12'55"
Wednesday 2/13 Nothing
Thursday 2/14 Nothing
Friday 2/15 4.01 miles 13'07"
Saturday 2/16 12.0 miles 13'08" 170 bpm

The focus this week was to recover from the half marathon last week. I gave it a shot Tuesday morning, but quickly realized that it was not going to happen. I had hoped to do 14 miles today, but will take the 12.

I got a heart rate monitor that syncs with my GPS watch, so it will be interesting to see what that tells me.

My boss gave me a hard time all week about not icing my knees, so I have ice bags on my knees as I lay in bed typing this entry.

Curse you, D!

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

02/09/2013 - Of Knees and Nips

Lets start by getting caught up a bit...

Monday 1/28 6.22 miles 12'34"
Tuesday 1/29 Rest
Wednesday 1/30 2.18 miles 11'14"
Thursday 1/31 2.01 miles 11'37"
Friday 2/01 4.00 miles 14'28"
Saturday 2/02 10.0 miles 13'01"

Monday 2/04 6.01 miles 13'55"
Tuesday 2/05 Legs and Shoulders
Wednesday 2/06 6.22 miles 12'53"
Thursday 2/07 Arms and Core
Friday 2/08 Rest
Saturday 2/09 13.1 miles 15'02"

I ran the Heart-Breaker Half-Marathon, as this would give me an opportunity to try out GU on a longer run, as well as test myself on some hills. It was a chilly morning, and the race got started 5 minutes late. It included a timed mile that was pretty much all up hill. I felt pretty good through most of the race as far as lungs and energy go. The real problem I faced was the downhills. As I am still significantly overweight every time I ran downhill I had to use my legs to stop me from going too fast. I am sure a large part of the problem is my technique as well. Whatever the cause, my knees started hurting really bad, so much so that after doing a downhill at mile 11 I had to stop running. I ended up walking the last two miles very gingerly.

I had kept to my target pace really well up to that point, and my energy level felt great, so I am more than a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to finish it out.

I also noticed that my nipples were extremely sore. I hadn't had any tenderness during any of my training runs so I was caught unawares by this development. When I got home I saw that there was a good deal of blood on my base layer. I will begin using band-aids again.

I am currently down 5.9 pounds, which is better than I thought I would be considering I ate nothing but crap food after the race yesterday. This is right about where I am supposed to be while losing a pound a week.


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