Monday, July 2, 2018

2018-07-02 Keep on keeping on

Plans change.

Instead of 4 sets of 30 pushups, I am doing 4 sets of 25.

For the running, I am attempting MAF training, which means there is a whole lot of walking. The theory is that building an aerobic base over time will help with endurance. The problem is to build the aerobic base, I have to keep my heart rate below 137BPM. This means mostly walking.

6/24 1 Mile
6/25 Rest
6/26 2 Miles
6/27 3.16 Miles
6/28 3.18 Miles
6/29 4 Miles
6/30 Rest
7/1 2 Miles (Running the whole time, Average HR = 168BPM)
7/2 2 Miles

I will rest tomorrow, and then have the Freedom 5K on Wednesday.

Overall I am down 16.8 pounds. The diet is still going well. We had a family gathering on Saturday. It was really hard not to eat the Texas Sheet Cake and Kim's Salad.

Monday, June 18, 2018

2018-06-18 Change in the wind?

I recently had a near-death experience snowboarding on the mountain. Nearly two weeks ago, my friend Paul showed me the movie/documentary "The Magic Bullet". I then decided to try the Keto diet.

So far, so good. I lost about 8 pounds in the first week, and am down another 2.6 pounds this past week. I didn't really ever get the keto flu, but I did feel nauseated one night, and the queasy stomach has been going on a couple days.  My goal would be to lose 2.5 lbs per week for the next 8 weeks. I am not certain that will be possible, but will make an attempt and adjust as needed.

My primary focus is on just the diet until I get home this upcoming Saturday, 6/23/18. I will be home for 2 weeks, and will start running again. I will be very happy if I can work up to a 5K with no walking in that time. My moonshot goal would be to do a 10K without walking. No time constraints, just a nice easy jog. I don't think it is outside the realm of possibility, as my legs and lungs should still be in pretty good shape from snowboarding. The difficult part will be running once I return to Dallas.

I recently also started the 100 push-up challenge last Thursday (6/14/18). I have been doing 2 minute intervals, 8 sets of 10, and then finishing with a set of 20. Day 1 was great. Day 2 I was a little sore. Days 3-5 I was way sore, and struggled on the latter sets. Today felt really good. I will do the challenge for at least 4 weeks. My current plan is to increase the reps per set every Thursday.
Ideally it would look like:
Week 1: 10 sets of 10
Week 2: 5 sets of 20
Week 3: 4 sets of 30
Week 4: 3 sets of 40

Once I complete this plan I will work on another to get to 100 consecutive push-ups. The next step would be to work towards planche pushups.
