Plans change.
Instead of 4 sets of 30 pushups, I am doing 4 sets of 25.
For the running, I am attempting MAF training, which means there is a whole lot of walking. The theory is that building an aerobic base over time will help with endurance. The problem is to build the aerobic base, I have to keep my heart rate below 137BPM. This means mostly walking.
6/24 1 Mile
6/25 Rest
6/26 2 Miles
6/27 3.16 Miles
6/28 3.18 Miles
6/29 4 Miles
6/30 Rest
7/1 2 Miles (Running the whole time, Average HR = 168BPM)
7/2 2 Miles
I will rest tomorrow, and then have the Freedom 5K on Wednesday.
Overall I am down 16.8 pounds. The diet is still going well. We had a family gathering on Saturday. It was really hard not to eat the Texas Sheet Cake and Kim's Salad.