Sunday, February 28, 2016

02/28/2016 - Week9

2/22 Monday
2/23 Tuesday Snowboarding
2/24 Wednesday
2/25 Thursday
2/26 Friday Snowboarding
2/27 Saturday Snowboarding & Trampoline
2/28 Sunday 2.01 miles 12'24"
Current Weight 256.6
Starting Weight 268.2
Total Lost 11.6

This is the first week that my weight has gone up. I am not terribly surprised though as my activity was minimal and I was not watching what I was eating with any kind of diligence. I guess it was kind of a cheat week.

I am feeling more confident on my snowboard. I taped up the edges of the Rossignol and took it onto the trampoline on Saturday after we got back from the mountain. That is a good little workout!

It was raining on the mountain Friday and Saturday, so didn't spend as much time as I would have liked. Friday was Erin and I. We started at ski bowl but ended up at Timberline, which was basically empty. Saturday I took the kids up while Erin was at work. Timberline was absolutely packed. I got in two runs with Molly before calling it a day.

Signed Ryan and Nathan up for Lifeguarding class over spring break. They need to work on their skills so I got a 3 month family pass to the pool. Will start mixing in some swim workouts.

Nathan got his Drivers License this week! His first unaccompanied drive was taking him and Ryan to the dance in West Salem last night.

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

02/21/2016 - Blood, Sweat, and Tears

2/15 Monday 2.00 miles 13'11"
2/16 Tuesday
2/17 Wednesday
2/18 Thursday
2/19 Friday
2/20 Saturday 4.11 miles 13'26"
2/21 Sunday 6.24 miles 14'47"
Current Weight 253.6
Starting Weight 268.2
Total Lost 14.6

Tough week for working out. Between not feeling particularly great and work, I wasn't able to get runs in like I had hoped, so had to do some longer runs to make up for it. Saturday was 4 miles and today I did 10K. It was cold and rainy, so I layered up and wore a raincoat, but I forgot to tape up my nipples. BLOOD.

Between walking around at a team offsite Friday, Snowboarding at Hoodoo Saturday, and these longer runs. I have spent some quality time out in the elements working up a SWEAT.

This morning I read my cousin's Facebook post:
"My grand baby had a MRI today and the results are not too positive. It was heart breaking to hear the words 'he has lesions on both sides of his brain and there will be long term damage'. But then the most incredible thing happened, my amazing daughter looked at me and said, 'mom it will be OK I was suppose to do this. ' I am a very proud mama right now. Thanks to all of you again for your prayers and support."

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

02/14/2016 - Valentines Day - Week 7

2/8 Monday 1.33 miles 12'33" out and back
2/9 Tuesday 1.6 miles 13'46" loop counterclockwise
2/10 Wednesday 1.6 miles 12'58" loop clockwise
2/11 Thursday
2/12 Friday
2/13 Saturday
2/14 Sunday 2.00 miles 14'19"
Current Weight 257.5
Starting Weight 268.2
Total Lost 10.7

Spent the last week in Tahoe! We went skiing Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. I had a sinus infection and felt like crap, so I didn't run Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Regardless, Thursday ended up being a great workout day for the legs as I was focusing on jumps and riding switch. My legs were shot.

We drove from Tahoe to Medford on Saturday. Nathan and Ryan went to a dance with Dallin Stimpson. I went to dinner with Mike and Tab at the Texas Roadhouse. It was delicious. We drove from Medford home today, and got the van cleaned out.

Today I ran the first mile in 9'44", then walked the rest. I had done a sinus rinse before, but was still having a hard time breathing.

I was very happy to see that my weight had not gone up while on vacation. I am still slightly ahead of schedule for my pound a week goal, but am behind on my mileage for the month. I will need to do some make-up mileage once I am feeling better.

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Monday, February 8, 2016

02/07/2016 - Super Bowl Sunday

2/1 Monday 2.03 miles 10'51"
2/2 Tuesday 1.00 mile 8'56" 0.51 miles 12'02"
2/3 Wednesday 2.01 miles 13'02"
2/4 Thursday 2.46 miles 12'51"
2/5 Friday 2.02 miles 12'13"
2/6 Saturday
2/7 Sunday 2.00 miles 17'14"
Current Weight 259ish (no scale in Tahoe)
Starting Weight 268.2
Total Lost 9.2

Set a new mile PR of 8'56" on Tuesday, and then switched focus the rest of the week to concentrate on foot strikes, keeping it mid foot or forefoot. Sunday was walking on a treadmill here in Tahoe. Started out a a jog, but was feeling really light headed as it is over 7,000 feet in elevation.

Erin celebrated her 40th birthday during our drive to Tahoe.
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